Thank you!

Thank you so much for your contribution, on behalf of all campaigners and the elephants! Since the start we raised [text-blocks id=”donation-destination-balance” destination=CHALLENGE plain=”1″] to support our eight goals that contribute to a world in which people and elephants can coexist in harmony.

More information about BTEH Challenge: 

⇒ On the landing page of the BTEH Challenge you will find an overview of all our participants and more information about how the proceeds will be spent.

⇒ Would you like to know more about what is needed in Southern Africa? Click here to read more…

⇒ Would you like to know more about what is needed in Thailand? Click here to read more…

⇒ Would you like to start your own BTEH Challenge? We will be so grateful! Please click here to read more…

⇒ And please click here to start your own crowdfunding campaign.
We will help you to create your own page. Welcome to the international team of elephant conservationists!

Again, thank you so much!
Antoinette van de Water
Bring the Elephant Home





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