Total target BTEH Challenge: € 75.000 euro
Amount raised: [text-blocks id=”donation-destination-balance” destination=CHALLENGE plain=”1″]

Take part in this challenge to increase the survival chances of elephants. With the BTEH Challenge we hope to achieve goals in Thailand for Asian elephants and goals in Southern Africa for African elephants.

Please help!
You can contribute by starting your own Challenge crowdfunding page. Please e-mail us if you are interested. Or make a donation (below this page and support the BTEH Challenge. Help create a world in which people and elephants can coexist in harmony!

Wim Hof Ice Challenge
The Wim Hof Ice Challenge in Thailand, in December 2019, made a big contribution to our common target: [text-blocks id=”donation-destination-balance” destination=CHALLENGE_ICE plain=”1″]
Big, big thank you to all participants from 17 countries!!!

Challenge campaigns for Asian elephants in Thailand 

Challenge goal: Planting and nursing of 5,000 trees

⇒ Donate for this goal
⇒ Learn more

Challenge goal: Development of a Community Co-existence Center “Living with elephants”


Challenge goal: Organization of community workshops on e.g. human-elephant conflict mitigation, reforestation and beehive fences

Donate for this goal

Challenge goal: Installation of beehive fences to prevent elephants from raiding plantations (40 hives)

⇒ Emily Belonje – Support and share Emily’s Challenge campaign
⇒ Many thanks to Save the Elephants for the first 1,000 euro for this Challenge campaign!

⇒ Donate for this goal

Challenge campaigns for African elephants in Southern Africa

Challenge goal: Development and implementation of a corridor that connects elephant habitats
⇒ Antoinette (South-Africa) – Support and promote Antoinette’s Challenge campaign

Challenge goal:  Building a field station in South Africa

⇒ Vera Praet (Netherlands) – Support and promote Vera’s Challenge campaign

Challenge goal: Workshops, questionnaires

Donate for this goal

Challenge doel: Training and employing 10 Mozambican women

⇒ Jenna (Mozambique) – Support and promote Jenna’s Challenge campaign
⇒ Kim van Dijk (the Netherlands) – Donate here and share Kim’s Challenge campaign

General donations to all 8 BTEH Challenge goals
⇒ Leo van de Water (Nederland) – Donate and share Leo’s campaign

Promote BTEH Challenge: #BTEHchallenge

donation form

Yes, I’ll support the BTEH Challenge

[text-blocks id=”donation-form-destination” destination=”CHALLENGE_GENERAL_ONE_OFF_DONATION” plain=”1″]

Bring the Elephant Home foundation is a Dutch charity.


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