Elephant Collaring Report 

To scientifically test the positive impacts that habitat expansion in private reserves can have on elephant welfare and to further inform the new governmental policy on animal welfare in reserves, Ph.D. Researcher Brooke Friswold along with the NGO Bring The Elephant Home in collaboration with Kariega Game Reserve applied XL LoRa (Low Range) elephant radio collars purchased from African Wildlife Tracking (AWT) to six elephants of diverse ages and sexes prior to a planned fence removal at Kariega Game Reserve in Eastern Cape, South Africa in August 2022. We encountered challenges with collars that twisted on multiple bulls in dense shrub terrain in Eastern Cape. To inform other elephant researchers and reserves using collars, we have written a full collaring report. Please get in touch with us if you would like to share relevant experiences with elephant collaring.

Participating Organizations: Bring The Elephant Home, Kariega Game Reserve, Kariega Foundation, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Elephant Reintegration Trust 

Researchers: Brooke Friswold, Antoinette Van de Water


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