Hi there, Anna & Simon writing! We decided to take on the Ice Challenge, organised by Bring the Elephant Home. Our goal is to gather 2200 euros, this means, your donation goes 100% to Bring The Elephant Home and their cause to help elephants in Asia and Africa. Read more about what Bring the Elephant Home will do with the money

During our college years, we (Simon and Anna) were volunteers for Bring The Elephant Home. This organisation supports Asian and African elephants in different ways. We collected money for the organisation while informing people about elephants and their situation in Thailand. After graduating and getting a job, we decided to stop as official volunteers, but we always carried a warm heart for the elephant, the organisation and their cause. Now, we will finally go to Thailand to visit the organization during the Ice Challenge, and we don’t want to go empty-handed!

So here we are, together we are raising 2.200 euro that will go STRAIGHT to Bring The Elephant Home. In return, we get to do a 3-day program with Wim Hof in Thailand. So here we are, together we are raising 2.200 euro that will go STRAIGHT to Bring The Elephant Home. Read more about the Ice Challenge.
We need your support!
Read more about what Bring the Elephant Home will do with the money
Please help us raise the money so Bring The Elephant Home can keep up the good work for the wonderful elephants in Asia and Africa!
Can’t donate because of the limited payment methods on this page? You can also bank transfer to our personal account: IBAN BE76 8905 8401 4395 with subject: Ice Challenge. Or use PayPal and transfer directly to Simon: https://paypal.me/simonberlo
Simon and Anna
Our personal target: € 2.200 Raised so far:[text-blocks id=”donation-destination-balance” destination=CHALLENGE_ICE_ANNASIMON plain=”1″]
Donation form
Yes, I’ll support Simon and Anna’s Ice Challenge!
[text-blocks id=”donation-form-destination” destination=”CHALLENGE_ICE_ANNASIMON_ONE_OFF_DONATION” plain=”1″]
We will receive your name and account number when you make a donation via our web forms. This personal data is necessary for the processing of your donation and in order to secure your spot. Bring the Elephant Home Foundation will handle all personal data with the utmost care and will not distribute your data to third parties. We will use your data to inform you about our ongoing activities or to ask for your support. Read more about our privacy policy.
Bring the Elephant Home foundation is a Dutch charity.
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