Adopt African elephants

As an adoptive parent, you will aid in African elephant conservation initiatives. You will also contribute to our research into solutions which will benefit elephants and people living with elephants in Africa.

Increasing human-elephant conflicts is one of the greatest elephant conservation challenges in Africa and Asia. Underlying causes of problematic elephant behaviour are for example habitat fragmentation, restriction of movement, disrupted social units, or human pressures. Escalating conflicts result in property damage, injuries and sometimes the death sentence for elephants. Is there no other way? Our aim is to look for alternatives, for peaceful ways to make sure people and elephants can live together in harmony.

As an African elephant adoptant you will help to:

  • Enable research – along with other scientists we are investigating the causes of conflicts between human and elephants and sustainable solutions,
  • Create a better public understanding of the complexity of human-elephant coexistence,
  • Create and promote non-violent, sustainable solutions that are scientifically proven,
  • Test and implement innovative methods to conserve elephants.

What can you expect?

You can become an African elephant adoptive parent for a minimum donation of 60 euro per year, or 5 euro per month.

  • You will receive a welcome video from Antoinette van de Water,
  • Regular exclusive updates on our findings and the lives of the African elephants of our study,
  • Diverse materials, such as photographs, videos and information about developments of the project.

Yes, I will adopt African elephants

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