New Publication! One Well-being

Exciting news! The 4th chapter of Antoinette van de Water’s PhD is out: “Integrating a ‘One Well-being’ Approach in Elephant Conservation: Evaluating Consequences of Management Interventions,” is now published in @ecologyandsociety1! Authors: Antoinette Van de Water, Marion E. Garaï, Matthew M. Burnett, Michelle D. Henley, Enrico Di Minin, Jarryd P. Streicher, Lucy A. Bates, Rob Slotow.

Antoinette: “In this study, we developed the One Well-being framework to emphasise the need to simultaneously consider environmental, human, and animal well-being. We applied this framework to evaluate 12 elephant management interventions in South Africa, analysing data from 3,306 instances of these interventions.

By shifting away from purely economic-focused strategies that prioritise short-term gains, we advocate for sustainable, long-term solutions. This shift is crucial for addressing the negative impacts of commodifying nature, such as biodiversity loss, poverty, and inequality. Our findings highlight the importance of a holistic approach to elephant management, promoting ethical practices and multidisciplinary collaboration.

Click here to dive into our findings.”

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